Jack Shields Christensen


MY FAVORITE SNAPSHOT was taken by Professor Winfield E. Nagley who later became chairman of the Philosophy Department at the University Of Hawai’i. I’m in my mid—twenties atop a phallic rock at the Hawaiian cultural site of Ka-ule-o—Nanahoa located approximately 1,500 feet above sea level on the world’s highest ocean cliff, Moloka’i Island. Legend says this spot is where a man named Nanahoa and his wife Kawahuna were turned into stone.

It was also believed that if a woman placed offerings and spent the night here, she’d return home pregnant. Phallic rocks are found as fertility symbols on all the Hawaiian Islands, and this is the finest example. The natural configuration of the stone was carved to some extent by ancient people.

Jack at Hawaiian cultural site Ka-ule-o—Nanahoa